Here is a mind map of my groups initial idea's. This will help give my group an idea of what would work well in my music video.
Genre: Indie Rock.
Locations: We had three ideas for possible locations, however after waying up the pros and cons of each location, I feel it would be better to use the street as a location, for example like in Little By little by oasis, this I feel has more of an attraction to an audience than a stage or studio, however cross cutting I think of all three would be the best way to accomodate all conventions of this music video.
Lighting: Low key lighting is a convention that through my research I have found in every other indie rock video, this would mean that it is a key convention to our video.
Costumes: Although costumes have been different in each video, the general feel to the clothes are smart/ casual. The costume we decide on will have to fit the style of song, and what narrative (if one) is in the video.
Artists: Out of the selected artists our chosen artist is going to be Miles Kane, we decided on him as he fits the style of Indie rock that we feel will fit our genre.
Props: Main props of the video will be the instruments to the video, this is one of the main convention to indie rock videos.
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