Monday, 10 September 2012

Low budget videos

I watched low budget videos, this is helpful to understand what a A piece of work looks like and the standard that the video has to be. In the video A2 Music Video - A-ha! Imogen Heap, they use many different high standards and quick paced effects. This works well for them as with the fast tempo of the song. This and the exciting editing makes it hard for the viewer to take their eyes off of the screne. The locations and props also suit the genre of music video this being said the effects they have also put on also works well with this genre.

Although this second video is very different to the first low budget one I have annalysed, this video, in contrast to A-HA  the video uses slower editing and a lack of colour as the video is in black and white. This video also tells a story whereas the first vdeo does not. However they both use a range of shots and this is used well through out the video. Although it is not done to as higher standard as the first video because of the lesser effects, the video is also not in sync. This is confusing for the audience and cuts in the song are not correctly placed as they do not go with the beat of the song unlike in A HA. The fact that the editing is not in the correct placing means that the music video does not make complete sense.

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